We are delighted to confirm that OliveHomes.com are able to assist you with any mortgage requirements by introducing you to one of recommended mortgage providers. All the financial institutions that we deal with are recognisable high street banks who offer a personalised service. If you are already in Portugal we can make an appointment and accompany you (or not!) to the meeting and act as a go-between to help ensure matters proceed smoothly. 

You should be aware that the banks here usually ask for more information, than you might expect back home, as they often have less online resources to credit ratings etc, hence they need to build up a paper-based profile. 

For a typical application you would need to provide the following for each party:

  • ID/Passports 
  • Proof of address
  • Last tax declaration
  • Bank statements for last 6 months
  • Proof of debt on all mortgages, loans and credit cards
  • Up to date credit report 
  • Last 6 months payslips (if employed)
  • Proof and confirmation of current employment (if employed)
  • Audited or final accounts and accountants declaration (if self employed)

Mortgages tend to take up to 8 weeks to be agreed and for the bank to be ready to issue the funds. This isn't an issue if we keep the property owner up to date with developments. The banks do not issue 'agreement in principle' mortgages, as they like to know details of the property you are purchasing (at the time of the application).

In respect of interest rates, terms and the latest conditions, please contact us as we deal with a wide variety of options and try to get you the best offer at the time.



